10th Anniversary


Happy Birthday, StitchBuddy!

At January 4th, 2008, I released the first version of StitchBuddy's predecessor.


StitchBuddy-QL / -MD released

I rewrote all code to support more file formats and enable future enhancements, now it’s a kind of embroidery framework I’ll use for upcoming applications. The first steps are releases of StitchBuddy-QL and StitchBuddy-MD to preview PES and JEF embroidery files in the Finder and search for them with Spotlight.

I registered the domain stitchbuddy.de and created a small product website based on Apple’s iWeb, featuring some descriptions, FAQs, and screenshots. Both plugins can be downloaded from this site and used for free.

The developments of JEFview and PESviewQL are discontinued.

Bundle identifier fixed

I messed up the bundle identifier in info.plist, which might cause collisions: corrected.

Error handling enhanced

Now JEFview will provide better error descriptions if a file could not be read (to be checked with Console.app).

JEFview released

My wife bought a Janome MC350E last year and started to collect embroidery files. It’s easy to transfer them from her Apple iBook to the embroidery machine as the Janome supports USB memory sticks: Just plug the stick into the iBook, copy JEF files into the right folder and you’re done.

Unfortunately previewing designs isn’t that easy: Although the touchscreen of the Janome shows thumbnail images, there’s no way to identify designs in the Finder of Mac OS X.

I used the Christmas season to dive into Objective-C, Cocoa and Quick Look development, and finally JEFview is released. It integrates as a Quick Look plugin into Mac OS X, and now JEF embroideries show their design in the Finder and can be previewed by hitting the spacebar.

JEFview can be downloaded and used for free.